Fishing for Redfish & Black Drum
Everything we do on these trips is visual, so you will get to experience the hunt, eat and fight the entire time. While on the pursuit for Redfish and Black Drum, we will be presented with a variety of fishing situations. From stalking the spartina grass mazes of the forgotten coast finding tailers, to polling the flats for big cruisers and schooled up fish. In the summer, we will have big schools of drum come in and feed off the oyster bars with their backs out of the water. Red fish will be crawling with their eyes at water level on mud banks searching for their next meal. These fish will keep you on your toes making these trips fun and extremely challenging for even the most seasoned angler.

Recommended Fishing Gear:
Level of difficulty on fly: Intermediate to Expert
7 to 9 weight fly rods, floating or clear floating fly line
Leaders for Redfish:
9-11 feet tapered leaders, 12-pound test fluorocarbon
Redfish Flies:
Redfish and Black Drum will eat a wide variety of flies including shrimp, crabs and bait fish patterns. Weedless fly patterns are often necessary as the shallow and structure-filled habitat in which these fish reside can cause a hook to foul on the weeds and vegetation. A weed guard also allows you to "crawl" flies over beds and roots. Some say that weed guards will hinder hook-ups, but I think that the benefits outweigh the negatives in most situations. Weed guards should be light and only used when necessary.
Spin & Plug Fishing:
Level of difficulty on spin: Novice to Expert.
Rod and Reel: 6 to 7 foot fast-action spin and plug outfits spooled with ten-pound test mono are just right. #10 test mono, #2 to #4 diameter braid (10 to 15 lb. test). Topwater plugs, crank baits, jerk baits, paddle tails, tubes, spoons and jigs are the standard for spin and plug casting.